Re: Version 2.3.26
Some minor observations using the Bold Reports Designer to edit existing RDL files
- No button to simply "Save" current diagram. The existing Save icon operates as a "Save As" function where you have to re-select the existing file every time or accidentally save it as Untitled1.rdl.
- For some reason, the designed often enters <SpaceBefore /><SpaceAfter /> into the .rdl file for Textbox objects. When uploading the rdl file into SSRS, an error will appear about an invalid Space Before value. I have to manually delete these items from the rdl file to upload them.
- When closing the designer, even immediately after saving the file, you will get an awkward message of "Changes you made may not be saved?" Yes/No.
- The designer correctly renders the Tablix NoRowsMessage property, but I could not find it in the designer.
- The designer correctly renders the Tablix/Globals PageName property, but I could not find it in the designer.
- This one is similarly confusing in SSRS, but when you first open the expression dialog for Visiblity property, it says "true", but if you define an expression, you will need it to return "false" for the object to be displayed.
- In the dataset editor (p
articularly when using stored procedures)
, if you display "Parameters" from the initial menu, the existing parameters and assignments are present. If you click "Edit", then click the 'Parameters" icon, no parameters are present. Thus, there is no simple way to simply refresh the the current fields without re-entering sample values. - In the properties window, it sometimes useful to select the object by name, (i.e. list all objects by name in a dropdown similar to SSRS).